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Sundays at 9:30 both in-person and

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“Worship is meant to be done together.” 

Our hope is that everyone who worships with us, whether in person or online, have an experience with God and learn something new. We have a blended worship experience, embracing the importance of different learning styles, music genres and worship art. We strive to celebrate tradition while striving to create new ways to encounter God. Communion is served every Sunday. *Picture of the praise team? 

“Scripture is central to life.” 

Everything we do in our worship experience centers on scripture. Our hope is for scripture to open to people in new and different ways, so they walk away from the worship experience changed and renewed.

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“Let the children come.” 

We love wiggly, giggly, children. We want them to be a part of the worship experience. They are encouraged to read scripture, participate in the Youth Chat, and grab a bag of activities to do during worship. 

Altar Flowers

If you would like to purchase altar flowers to recognize a special occasion like an anniversary or birthday or as a memorial, please email Flowers are $50 and checks should be made out to “Altar Guild.” Unless otherwise stated, flowers will be delivered to our homebound members or people in the hospital.  

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